
About Kingdom of Resin

The Kingdom of Resin is a sister blog to Tea Party Revolution's The Resin Fables.

These are the twisted tales, mad musings and sinister stories of my Ball Jointed Doll collection, and second hand tellings from Tea Party Revolutions’ dolls

The scene is an etherial Kingdom ruled by a hedonistic, dark king, Magnus. The cast is a mixed and miss matched mob of unruly faeries, depressed princes, evil Cheshire cats, dark witches, spell casting pirates and more, and three unsuspecting humans who just want their luck back…

A place of blogs, photo stories, introductions and tales to tantalize your senses!

About the Authors
Natalie, or Lilly Kitten on the internet, has been a character designer since before she even knew what the word meant. Addicted to creating stories full of fun and often challenging characters in comic form, ball jointed Dolls appealed to that character creating nature.

Jo, owner of The Resin Fables is a teacher, but a writer by passion. She was introduced to Ball Jointed Dolls through Lilly Kitten. Having a love of dolls and stories, the connection to these resin items of obsession was inevitable.

About Ball Jointed Dolls

Ball Jointed Dolls are usually resin cast dolls with ball-socket joints at their articulating points, like elbows, hips knees, necks, etc, and are strung together with strong round elastic that gives them a realistic posing ability.

They're fully customizable, with removable wigs, eyes and "re stringable" parts- they can even come with no face painting so that can also be customized fully to the owner's taste.

They come in many sizes, from 9cm to 90cm, they tend to be split into these size catagories (The acronyms were coined first by Volks, and although different companies use different words to describe them, the acronyms are still used by collectors):
  • SSD – 1/3 - 1/2 human Scale. Dolls which stand between 65 and 90cm. (Volks model: Senior Super Dollfie)
  • SD – 1/3 Human Scale. Dolls which stand between 50 and 65cm (Volks model: Senior Dollfie)
  • MSD – 1/4 Human Scale. Dolls which stand between 40 and 49cm. Often refered to as ‘Minis’ (Volks model: Mini Super Dollfie)
  • Yo-SD – 1/6 human Scale. Dolls which stand between 20 and 39cm (Volks model: Young Super Dollfie)
  • Tinies or BBs – 1/12 Human Scale. Dolls whose height is below 20cm – the smallest generally stand around 9-10 cm.
Now highly collected, the Ball Jointed Doll community is ever growing! The hobby is expensive, but well loved and enjoyed by people of all ages.

About the Cast

The cast of Kingdom of Resin and The Resin Fables is made up of mine and Tea Party Revolution's dolls. For a breakdown of their Personalities, see the "Cast" page, and for information on what they are, where to get the same dolls, outfits, eyes and wigs, please see the "Availability" page.